KlikMinang.com-The Commander of the clergyman who firmly and with dignity. Successfully carrying out the purification of Islam into every village in Ranah Minang, to the extent that liability is strictly controlled pray
Glory of Islam in Ranah Minang (West Sumatra) had reached its peak when the cleric (cleric) was led by 'Abdullah Tuanku Nan Renceh. His power has plunged to village government institutions authorized by the autonomous kingdom of Minangkabau. The kingdom was at that time centered on Pagaruyung.
Central power of the cleric himself was in territorial LUHAK (District) Nan Tuo, namely LUHAK Agam, Tanah Datar, and Nan LUHAK Limopuluah Dikoto. Or, as large areas of government administration Agam regency, Tanah Datar, and District 50 City now.
At that time, the vicar actually hold the reins of government and society to practice Islamic law. Conditions are not much different when the Arabian peninsula are controlled by the Wahhabi spearheaded by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab (1703-1787).
The history of the birth of the movement of the vicar in Minang aspect is not removable from the Wahhabi movement in Arabia. Movement began in 1802 when "the Three" returning from Mecca, the Hajj Poor Sikek of Smart (Smart Brush) LUHAK Agam, Haji Muhammad Arief from Sumanik, LUHAK Tanah Datar (known as Haji Sumanik), and Haji Abdurrahman from Piobang, LUHAK Limopuluah Dikoto (known as Haji Piobang). These are known as Haji Nan Tigo. They explore the Wahhabi teachings while studying in the holy land of Mecca nearly 10 years.
Commander Padri
'Abdullah was the son of Incik Rahmah, tribal leaders Kamang Mudik Nagari Koto, who was born in Jorong Bansa, Nagari Kamang Mudik, LUHAK Agam, in 1762. Since childhood, Abdullah is always keen to deepen the science of religion.
He feels not enough just to learn at home tutor village level as is the tradition at that young age. Abdullah made a breakthrough by studying in another village, precisely at the Surau Tuanku Tuo in Cangkiang, LUHAK Agam.
Graduated from the educational model mosque, Abdullah still not satisfied. He instead kambali to my hometown, but went on to Ulakan, Padang Pariaman.
Nearly five years studying, then 'Abdullah returned to Jorong Bansa. Once in the village, 'Abdullah heard there are great scholars in the clever Sikek who just returned from Mecca. His name is Haji Poor. 'Abdullah who was then arrived at the house just went into Clever Sikek.
Once there, how disappointed 'Haji Abdullah for the Poor was not found. He was more disappointed when he learned Poor Hajj brought a new home was only briefly in the Smart Sikek. It turns out that he figures it's your time to go again because his message was not accepted by the village community itself.
For 'Abdullah, news of the "expulsion" Poor Haji actually intriguing. He thought, even if it what brought Haji Poor not too special, certainly the resistance from the villagers themselves are not that great.
It was true. Once met Haji Poor in place of refuge, Nagari Ampek Angkek (Four Lift), Abdullah got a lesson about the purification of the Islamic movement. The doctrine is similar to that driven by the Wahabis in Arabia.
Poor Haji provide instruction on an ongoing basis, assisted by two of her closest Piobang ie Hajj and Hajj Sumanik. Then, also joined several other Islamic leaders, such as the lord Kubu Sanang, Lintau my lord, my lord Laweh Field (Field Area), lord Dikoto Lua Padang (Padang Outer), galung my lord, my lord Dikoto Ambalau, and my lord Dilubuk AUA (Lubuk Aur). Each of them is a cleric in the village.
The cleric was then berbai'at to launch a movement for Hajj Poor enforcement of Islamic law which they named the movement of the vicar. They are then known as the Executive Board of Padri with the nickname "Tiger Salapan Nan" (Tiger Eight). 'Abdullah was appointed as head of the warlords with titles concurrently Tuanku Nan Renceh Al-mujaddid. While Haji Poor was appointed as a judge.
According to the Anga Parlindungan Tuanku Rao in his book, Padri movement was led Nan Renceh systemic movement with similar armies Turkish army. Indeed, Nan Renceh several times to send some of his best soldiers to learn to fight in the Turkish Empire.
At that time science has advanced the war the Turkish Empire. Cavalary Jenitsar Turkish troops never banish and destroy the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. Among the soldiers sent the vicar who is lord Kulawat. Instead, he had fought alongside the Turkish army against the armies of Napoleon in 1809 until 1812. Then, my lord Gapuak (1809-183), Tuanku Rao (1812-1815), and lord Tambusai (1817-1821).
Struggle of the vicar, as noted by Haji Piobang, has three phases target. First, the term of seven years had to seize the entire island and the Malay peninsula Andalas. Second, term three years later had to seize power in Java and the small islands in the east. Third, seize all the land of Jawi (Nusantara), in cooperation with the troops then Dato 'Onn Haji. The last troops is reportedly already successfully seized power in the southern Philippines, North Borneo, and Sangihe.
Enforce strict Islamic law
During his leadership of 'Abdullah Tuanku Nan Renceh (1762-1825), according to historian Ampera Salim, the vicar successfully carry out the purification of Islam and into every scope of village government. To the extent that liability pray in public life every districts were strictly controlled.
After prayers in the mosque-surau Shubuh, Nan Renceh lower Padri Warriors went around the village. They are tasked to check the stone foundation that has been provided at each entrance of houses. If the rock is wet, diketahuilah that residents had melaksakan Shubuh prayer. But if not, residents will be directly interrogated.
If not pray out asleep, then ordered to immediately pray. When the three were found not also pray - marked with a stone foundation that is not wet - then the residents should repent to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. However, when later shown to leave the prayer again, then the occupants must leave the village.
Nan Renceh also managed to cultivate a white robe clothing for men and veils for women. For those who will be elected as village guardian (head pemeritahan villages) should be able to become priests pray in congregation.
Islamic law is enforced in the future leadership of the Padri Nan Renceh very firm and authoritative. Ampera Salim also said, never once etek (sister mother / father) Nan Renceh himself did not heed the rules imposed by the Government of the Darul Islam Minangkabau. He just went bad habit of drinking wine and smoking opium.
Indeed, people close to Nan Renceh, namely Hassan Nasution, had reprimanded the etek in order to stop the habit. But he still refused. Even when offered to be evacuated to Kuantan, the etek firmly rejected.
For the sake of upholding the authority of Islamic law, the etek sentenced to death. Executions carried out with a sword by Haji Idris and Haji Hassan. This incident took place in a calm gaze Renceh Tuanku Nan. For him, the enforcement of Islamic law more peting authority than his own brother who would deny
Rancak Baritonyo
Enforcement of Islamic Shari'a in Ranah Minang
Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011
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